Poem - Oh Art

Art, oh art, what power you hold,

To stir the soul, to make us bold.

In strokes of paint or lines of ink,

You bring to life what we can think.

From simple sketches to grand designs,

You help us see what's in our minds.

Your colors, textures, shapes, and form,

Transform the mundane into a storm.

You capture beauty, love, and pain,

A fleeting moment, a memory to remain.

You tell a story without a word,

And touch our hearts with what is heard.

Art, oh art, you inspire us all,

To dream, to hope, to stand tall.

You speak a language that's universal,

Uniting us in a way that's personal.

So let us celebrate your place,

In the world, in our hearts, in our space.

For you remind us of our humanity,

And help us see the world with clarity.


Masks Worn during Experiments with Plague. Manila, Philippines (1912)