Art of Happiness


Psychic ability or natural intuition can be thought of as a by-product of the study of ancient ways. You must also accept that it is not the only way, and religion is not the only path either. If you learn to control the ego and allow your psychic gifts to develop, you will make wiser life choices, move intuitively, and most importantly, you will sense problems before they occur. Christ Consciousness 

We must remember we are not our thoughts. Towards the end of Einstein's life he noticed something that is always around us, but very few tap into. Quantum Physics, the story of the ether. It is up to you to remove the impurities in your life to become more aware of the unseen. 

Emotion is energy in motion, and in the same way that we are able to manipulate energy for a higher purpose, so too can we manipulate the energy for a destructive purpose. Yet, we must also face the scientific fact that energy cannot be created nor destroyed– Only Changed.

Seemingly, the secret is to lose balance deliberately in order to find a weakness. So the seemingly defeated become victorious. This strategy requires that we master emotion and cast off aspirations brought on by the Natural world.


Time will Tell


Piet Mondrian 1914